Sunday, January 28, 2007


"FAMILY GOY" (no misprint, that's the joke)

What the hell is this show? A fat moron who makes poo jokes all the time? A baby that wants to kill its mother? Are you kidding me? This is a show? And the little 9 year old who writes it is swimming in women, driving some big car and laughing all the way to the bank? Well that's the only laughter in my house -- except when my grandson Tommy comes over to watch it. Explain to me how this is a show... a dog who drinks martinis? In the daytime? And every other word is bitch this and ass that and poo and pee that! What is this written in crayon?

It's a blessing that the original Family Guy, Robert Reed, never lived to see this. I thank God for giving him that disease 20 years ago so he wouldn't have to see the good name of FAMILY COMEDY dragged through the gutter by some bunch of smart ass retards. And don't tell me it's EDGY. I know edgy.

I wrote the "Carter Country" where the redneck famer called Kene Holliday "boy". You shoulda heard that audience at Radford Studios gasp. Then Kene came back with a zinger so strong, so "edgy" that it made the people gasp again, and then cheer. If I can find the script, I'll priint it here, but believe me, it was sometthing else, so don't talk to me about EDGE. This show isn't EDGE, it's FUDGE (think about it). It makes me glad that nobody returns my phone calls. Who wants to be hired by a show like this????!!!

HAROLD'S VERDICT.... FIVE CLAMS OUT OF FIVE (where five is bad and zero is good). In brief, this thing stinks worse that Totie FIelds' sauna pants after the March Of Dimes. (Look it up and laugh).

Look for more reviews in the future if I can stop throwing up.


Joependleton said...

I loved Carter country. Great show. Kene Holliday was a true talent.

Harold Hecuba said...

Correction. Kene Holliday IS a true talent. Read this and weep.... with appreciation.

Harold Hecuba said...

First of all, who the hell are you to tell me who is jealous and who is not jealous, you little pisher! Second of all, thank you for reading my blog -- I haven't had anyone look at it in 2 years! How did you find it? Please keep reading, it makes an old man happier than Dom DeLuise at a Spaghetti convention. Look it up.

Again, thanks, and go to hell!

Unknown said...

oh shut up why does evryone have to be clean and child friendly 24/7every 1 in the usa and the uk like a bit of smut exept stuck up old farts like yourself nobodys forcing you to watch it so why take time out of what im guessing is not a so busy schedual to change the channel and stop being a whiney little bitch

yours truley


Harold Hecuba said...

Dear Stanny -- hv u hrd of smthing cald speling? Did U evr go to skool?

First of all, my learning-challenged friend. My shceduaalll is very busy! I am just now in the middle of writing a script for the new Kelsey Grammer show, HANK. Kelsey doesn't know it yet, but when I slip it in his car (his dentist is my bridge partner's son), he's gonna love it. So screw you and your assumptions about who is busy and who isn't.

Secondly, this review was just my opinion. You are entitled to yours. It's wrong, but you can have it. Just like you are entitled to believe that sticking your finger in a wet electrcical socket won't kill you.

I maintain my opinion that Family Goy is a load of crap. And that new one, what the hell is it, Cincinatti -- don't get me started. It's a black show written by a all white guys! Unlike when I wrote on Sanford And Son -- which was a black show written by MOSTLY white guys. Big difference.

Good bye and good luck, you British ignoramus!