Sunday, January 28, 2007


So my grandson reads the blog and calls me. Who is Phil Silvers, he asks. I can't believe this kid. Never heard of Phil SIlvers? What are you, I ask -- 8? No, 13, he says. All the more reason I say. I give him my DVDs of Bilko ( I can't figure out how to work the button thing anyway) and tell him "Call me in a week." Kids today have no respect for the comedy giants of our industry. It's all David Spade and Dice Clay with them I suppose. Times like this make me want to really kill myself this time. (BUT HOW DO YOU REALLY FEEL?)


Joependleton said...

I have a question for you and be serious.

Who do you think was funnier, Phil Silvers or Fred Gwynn?

Harold Hecuba said...

Phil Silvers, hands down, was the funniest human being ever put on this planet. You can take your John Stewarts and your BORE-AT (pun very much intended)... none of them could lick Phil Silvers' belt (by the way, that was my first job in Show Business... but that's another story for another day). Freddy Gwynne was a prince, a beautiful man and funny in his own way. But if you look at it, he was all about the bolts. WIthout the neck bolts, what do you got? A tall retard stomping around like somebody stole his idiot juice or something. But Silvers only needed Silvers. And that makes all the difference. He tought me everything I know about this business. I guess you could say I learned comedy at his knee. Or at his belt. But, again, another story, another day. Keep posting and glad you like the blog!